Application requirements:
- Summary of project (1000 words at most)
- Curriculum vitae (only relevant portions; five pages at most)
- Rationale for course releases (in the rationale, please also discuss whether or how receiving a single course release instead of two would impact the completion of your project)
- Chair’s completion of the “Chair’s approval form,” including a note of endorsement for the course release (Please note: for faculty members in the Eskenazi School of Art, Architecture + Design, the Hamilton Lugar School of Global and International Studies, and the Media School, this form must be completed by the Associate Dean)
- Two additional letters of recommendation (at least one from outside IU)
Eligibility + usage:
Who may apply: Tenure-track (and tenured) College faculty members in the arts and humanities at Indiana University Bloomington. Previous recipients may reapply after 3 years with a new project. Applications for fellowships are always for the following academic year.
The chair of the applicant’s department, not the Institute, specifies the semester during which the applicant may receive the course release(s) depending on departmental needs.
Please note CAHI’s policy on combining the Research Fellowship with other awards:
CAHI Research Fellowships cannot be combined with any other funding, from either internal or external sources, such that total course releases for that academic year would be more than two. (The academic year is defined as Fall/Spring. In other words, Fall 2018 and Spring 2019 constitute one academic year.) Successful applicants for Fellowships and their department chairs are requested to notify CAHI immediately before utilization of their award if the candidate has received another award ;for the same project. CAHI reserves the right to reassign awards accordingly.
Course releases that are awarded uniquely—sabbatical semesters, for example, or administrative leaves earned at the end of administrative service can be combined with CAHI awards within the academic year.
Upon completion of an award:
CAHI requires that all grant and fellowship recipients send a brief description of the scholarly/artistic activities accomplished as a result of the CAHI award by the end of the semester following the award period. All grant recipients are kindly requested to acknowledge the support of the College Arts and Humanities Institute in any flyers, posters, publications or publicity.
Apply for the fellowship Upload a letter of recommendation
Chair’s approval form