Anya Peterson Royce
CAHI-Kinsey Research Fellow, 2020-21
Embodying an American Ballet: George Balanchine and George Platt Lynes
Each year CAHI supports between four and eight Research Fellows from among the scholars and artists here at Indiana University Bloomington.
CAHI-Kinsey Research Fellow, 2020-21
Embodying an American Ballet: George Balanchine and George Platt Lynes
CAHI Research Fellow, 2020-21
Translation of Maria Dąbrowska’s Nights and Days, Part I: Bogumił and Barbara
CAHI Research Fellow, 2020-21
Fabulous Things: Islamic Ceramics in the Eskenazi Museum of Art
CAHI Research Fellow, 2020-21
Apocalyptic Ecologies: Environmental Interpretation at the Dawn of the Anthropocene
CAHI Research Fellow, 2019-20
We Hear That We May Speak: Learning to Do Criticism Poetically
CAHI / Kinsey Research Fellow, 2019-20
Spectrum of Desires: Sensuality, Sexuality, and Motherhood
CAHI Research Fellow, 2019-20
Atari Design: Impressions on an Everyday Cultural Form, 1972 – 1979
CAHI Research Fellow, 2019-20
Years, Days, Hours: Time and Temporality in the Eighteenth-Century British Imagination
CAHI Research Fellow, 2019-20
Conceptualizations of Silence: Where Language and Culture Meet in Japanese and Beyond
CAHI Research Fellow, 2018-19
The Film Commentator in West Africa: The Cook, the Interpreter, His Assistant, and Their Audience
CAHI Research Fellow, 2018-19
Mis-measuring the Development Century: Economic Growth and its Discontents
CAHI Research Fellow, 2018-19
A Country of Shepherds: Cultural Geographies and Pastoralism in Contemporary Spain
CAHI Research Fellow, 2018-19
The Return of Resentment: The Rise and Fall and Rise again of a Political Emotion
CAHI Research Fellow, 2018-19
Religion and World-Making: Techno-Environmentalism from Earthrise to Astrobiology