Application requirements:
- Summary of the project (500 to 600 words max.)
- Curriculum vitae (only relevant portions; five pages at most)
- Detailed budget
- Statement of need—because CAHI often receives many more applications than we can fund in full, we ask that you briefly discuss whether or how receiving a smaller amount than requested may impact the completion of your project.
- Timetable
- Chair’s completion of the “Chair’s approval form”
- One other letter of recommendation from an IU faculty member or from an outside source
Eligibility + usage:
Who may apply: Tenure-track (and tenured) College faculty members in the arts and humanities at Indiana University Bloomington.
If other internal or external funding is received for the same project, CAHI requires notification, and reserves the right to adjust or reassign awards in light of this information. Expenditures must follow all university and College policies.
Upon completion of an award:
CAHI requires that all grant and fellowship recipients send a brief description of the scholarly/artistic activities accomplished as a result of the CAHI award by the end of the semester following the award period. All grant recipients are kindly requested to acknowledge the support of the College Arts and Humanities Institute in any flyers, posters, publications or publicity.
Apply for the grant Upload a letter of recommendation Chair’s approval form